~ your inner galactic moonguide ~

like the moon every day, every phase of our lives holds a different power, a different wisdom, asks for a different way we meet ourselves and show up in the world.


the lunar portal is a downloadable moon calendar and guidebook,  created as a soulfully inspired opening to your internal compass. a guide to assist your journey into discovering the landscape of your inner universe, while allowing the energies of the moon to inform your essence and experience with every passing phase.

each lunar portal is a combination of ina jain’s portal timers and morgan leigh callison’s watercolour galaxy paintings. we have intentionally paired the perfect painting for each moon journey. the guide book is a collaborative and collective endeavour, combining words and wisdom from both creatrixes. we hope you find it diverse, dynamic and delightful.

Libra New Moon


we are thrilled and excited to have you along for this journey as we bring our focus and attention to the moon as it begins this cycle in the sign of libra in the upcoming lunar cycle beginning on October 2nd.

we have chosen the theme of harmony for this lunar portal in libra.

the energy of the libra moon reminds us of that dance of alignment along the scales of our lives, that harmony is a process created in between the pages of our daily lives and that the way we relate to ourselves directly influences our choices towards balance, nourishment and effortless reciprocity in our relationships.

The LUNAR PORTAL includes

  • 1 Portal Timer Calendar Poster
  • 1 Inner Galactic Moon Guidebook
    • Guidance on how to use the Portal Timer Calendar
    • Information, Inspiration and Energetic Grounding into current astrology and theme
    • Lunar Ritual of Relating
    • Access to our Daily Balancing Meditation
    • Access to our Libra Playlist
    • Wild Mind Writing Prompts
  • Access to our Lunar Portal Online Gathering 

What is the Portal Timer Calendar?

set around the movement of the moon, the portal timer invites you on a gentle discovery of your individual pace away from linear concepts of time. it is an invitation to pause and tap into the vibrant peace that comes with connecting to yourself in a simple act of awareness.


every new moon you have the opportunity to put something in the centre that matters to you. throughout the month this becomes your portal into exploring and discovering what unfolds from here.

each day a fractal of the wider circle gives you space to connect to what is present for you at that moment, supporting you to open portals in your life for more curiosity, allowance and freedom, igniting awareness for what you need and want and for what makes you come alive.

Lunar Portal Pricing

We have chosen to price our lunar portal guides in a sliding scale manner. you will notice that there are three different price options for each moon guide.

we truly believe in the essence of reciprocity and that a new earth/paradigm can be birthed as we all take more time and space to align everything in our lives with our truest and most benevolent values. 

we trust you will choose a price point that feels best for you and your life and financial situation right now. 

Creative Kindling

Nourishing Flame

Sustainable Blaze

the first price CREATIVE KINDLING is for you if you are getting through in life with minimal income and minimal savings but still appreciate bringing beautiful soulful offerings into your life. this is the bare minimum we can charge while still honouring the time spent in creation, the materials, and the costs associated with putting together a product of the likes. 

the second price NOURISHING FLAME is for you if you feel you have a bit extra financial flow in your life. this is the price that helps us step away from simply surviving as artists/creative beings, and closer towards what it might look like to thrive. it gives us a boost into the next phase of our creative lives. 

the third price SUSTAINABLE BLAZE is for you if you feel you have plenty to spare. this price helps us be in that place of thriving as artists/creative beings that allows us to keep creating and sharing from full hands and hearts while feeling sustained by our work.

we also offer opportunities to access our creations at no cost. please reach out to either one of us to ask about this option. no judgements.

Morgan Leigh Callison

The Faces behind the Lunar Portal

morgan and ina’s connection began very organically many moons ago. as years passed, and life unfolded in all sorts of directions for both of them, the written word in sacred space is what brought them back together through the beauty and magic of virtually shared presence. as two of the co-founders of a soon to emerge creativity collective (more to come on that soon!), morgan and ina are learning how to flow together in abundant creative collaboration, through the process of co-creation across vast timelines and space.