~ an intuitively guided journey into harmony between body & mind~

Take off your shoes and let your body  guide you on a barefoot dance through your inner landscapes.
Let your mind have an adventure off the beaten track and  curiosity lead you home into the fullness of who you are.

Moving Words Workshop
write with your body and dance with your mind

Moving Words Workshops offer a gently guided space of untamed exploration through free form movement and writing, where we get to ground our experience of language, words and stories in our bodies, while liberating the way we think through authentic self-expression.

In a well-curated flow we move through layers of exploration with playful curiosity experience to open ourselves to the pleasure of harmonising body and mind.


Saturday ~ September 21st ~ Online

10am (CST Costa Rica) / 12pm (EDT New York) / 1pm (ADT Halifax) / 5pm (BST London) / 6pm (CEST Central Europe)

25€ (per person)


Journey into the rhythm of your own body wisdom, discover the freedom of authentic self-expression and connect to the bliss of allowing. 


The mind lives in the body and the body lives in the world we weave with our thoughts. To harmonise them is to be able to embody our stories and be sovereign in how we weave them and how we choose to tell them. Once we take ownership of our stories, declare ourselves the storytellers of our lives as well as the heroine, we are free, we take leadership of our lives and the shifts in our reality become tangible.

A space to come home to yourself in your very own way. Wether it is a familiar space or if you seek to gently stepping into tasting the memory of what that feels like. I am here to support you and find ways to nourish what it is you long for or desire to open within you.


So often we feel like we need to show up in a certain way, meet expectations, our own and those of others, and channel ourselves towards a certain outcome. It is easy to lose touch with ourselves and the feeling tone of our inner landscapes. And when the flow of our fullness gets interrupted we don’t allow ourselves to shine with all that we are. But our wholeness is nothing that we can lose. It is always there, waiting for us. 

This is an invitation to come exactly as you are and write yourself home in a safe space of untamed honesty, wild trust, and connection. It is a dance that has no set steps, and a language that knows no grammar. A meeting place of worlds, where we get to nourish our souls, expand our hearts  and anchor ourselves in a deep sense of belonging.


Like an oracle, a part of us always knows. And if we find ways to access that part, to step into conversation with it, then we will through presence come into the embodied understanding that in fact the answers to all the questions we could possibly ask are within us. We carry a compass that is never wavering from our true north and that is waiting patiently inside for our presence and awareness to speak.

Words are portals and the way we connect them weaves pathways into our inner landscapes that ignite our imagination, through which we get to encounter and discover what felt out of reach, hidden or impossible before.

Lets write stories with our bodies and dance with our minds. Lets discover our inner landscapes and surprise ourselves with what we know. 


In all that I share and create I strive to offer spaces of allowance, permission, and a reclamation of the feeling tone of being alive. Where we feel safe to feel, to be touched in a way that has us meet ourselves fully in wild ease and playful curiosity. 

I strive to create safe spaces in which we can explore, listen, express and create connected to ourselves and each other. Where sharing in circle becomes an experience of effortless reciprocity. Each one of us on their own journey and yet connected. I would love for this to feel like a safe space where we can come together and follow our intuition with untamed permission. A chance to fall in love with exactly who we are and where we are at right in this moment. Connecting to the pleasure of authentic expression and deep care for our own and each others mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

The spaces I offer are rooted in the understanding that the relationship we build with ourselves directly influences how we show up in connection to those around us and our environments. Taking a pocket of time to nourish ourselves on an untamed playground of creative exploration is what allows us to feel centred, balanced and empowered in our lives. 


What can I expect?


A safe space for authentic inspiration and creative self-expression. In a combination of writing and free flow dance practice we move through layers of movement and writing, cultivating a link between free expression of mind and body, allowing them to inform each other.

untame your mind and nourish your body

~ the opportunity to connect  to  your body with curiosity and gentleness ~

~ a safe space to go at your own pace ~

~ the opportunity to connect to your wild mind ~

~ the opportunity to feel held in community ~

~ the opportunity to connect to your creative fire ~

~ a well balanced mix of relaxation and adventure ~

~ a pressure free space with zero judgment ~

~ the chance to meet yourself exactly as you are ~

~ the opportunity to connect to your authentic voice ~


The first time I stepped onto a dance floor over 10 years ago, the dancíng movements reminded me so much of how writing felt in my body. Writing had been until then the only space of untamed exploration and expression in my life. After that first dance session, writing and dancing slowly but steadily melded together and I began consciously combining the two. Through that I found that moving my body freely through dance gave me the language to tell stories, that had been impossible to express in words before. Allowing them to emerge, to express what I knew, what I had seen many times before, what surprised me, what I couldn’t even place yet, and what I had always kept just out of sight, hidden in the shadowy corners of my being literally changed my life.

So in many ways writing became a dance and dancing became storytelling. Both connect me to the same wild place, where I get to meet myself again and again with playful curiosity and deep care. A space where I come to nourish my soul  and anchor myself in a deep sense of belonging and find a harmony between body and mind that I didn’t know was possible before. 

Out of this experience I created the Moving Words Workshop, a gently guided space of untamed exploration through free form movement and writing, where we get to ground the patterns of language, words and stories in our bodies, while liberating the way we think through authentic self-expression. 


Any questions?

let me know

Send me an e-mail or message me directly on Instagram and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!


Ready to join?

please follow the link below to register & pay

Once I have received your payment, you will receive an email with all that you need. 

I am so looking forward to dancing with you!

My passion is to connect us back to our creative essence, to remember that it is our innate ability and right to create and write our own stories and to share our essence with others and the world. If we do that in an embodied way, it is the most powerful practice to step from survival into thriving, which I believe is what we are all here to do. We are all holding a crucial piece of the puzzle that is essential for the whole story to be as beautiful and as powerful as it can be. And I would love to support you in uncovering and creating pathways into embodying your authentic self.